As the internet is considered as one of the famous way in promoting and advertising the service and the product of a particular company, there have been a lot of people and company owners who choose the promote their product using the internet. If you are interested in doing this kind of way, you will need to choose a
web hosting service provider that gives you a place on the internet that can be used as a place to promote your product and service so that you can get a lot of benefit from that. There are two common types of web hosting service features on the internet, the free and the paid types.
The free web hosting is a kind of web hosting that requires you no money to have it. What you need to do is to fill out the applications on the web hosting company and in a matter of minutes you will be able to have your own web. But this kind of web hosting will be different from the paid web hosting like
managed hosting. The different of free and paid web hosting will be on the feature it offers. The free one will only have one server to be shared with the other people while the paid web hosting, like we have in colocation, we will have our own server to host our web.